Sunday, October 26, 2014

Tsuro: Perfect for the Classroom

Tsuro may just be a perfect game for the classroom. The game itself is beautiful. It is so easy to teach and learn. It sets up in seconds. The components are gorgeous and durable. But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

Components: The pieces of Tsuro are quite durable. The dragon pawns appear to be made of stone, but are actually made of high quality plastic complete with intricate engravings of dragons. The tiles are thick cardboard of very nice quality, with wonderful backgrounds, and clear paths. The pieces are few in number. That means there is a low risk of losing pieces of the game. The game board itself is gorgeous! The artwork on the box and on the instructional manual are fantastic!

Accessibility: The game literally sets up in seconds. Unfold the board, pick and place your dragon, shuffle the tiles, and play. The game is just as quick to clean up. The game allows up to 8 players, though it optimally plays with 4-6. Just think, with just a few copies of this game, you can have your entire class engaged. The age range is 8 years and up, but I've played it with my 5 year old with no problem.

Duration of Game Play: The games can go fairly quickly depending on if the players are ready to place their tiles. Most games last only 10-15 minutes. That is wonderful because your students can get in several matches in a short amount of time.

Educational Value: Problem solving reigns supreme in this game. In the beginning of the game, most of the dragons are far enough apart, but as the game progresses, space gets tight. You may have your strategy well thought out, but then an opponent plays a tile that moves your dragon, too. Now you have to think fast and problem solve! It's wonderful! 

Surprise Benefit:  Tsuro is a great game for students who have attention issues, or for those students who have a hard time tracking (reading lines of sentences across a page). Following the correct paths can take a bit of concentration and attention. This game will have those children practicing tracking and attending skills over and over again.

Replay Value: High replay value. With a mixture of tiles every game, you'll rarely, if ever, get the exact same game twice.

Price: Tsuro is reasonably priced at $23-$28 depending on where you buy it. Since Tsuro services up to 8 players, it roughly works out at $3.00 per player. Not too shabby.

I highly recommend that you purchase your games at your local friendly game store. They may not have Amazon beat on price, but the face-to-face service is hard to ignore. Plus, they may even let you demo the game! You can't get that at Amazon!

Bonus: Tsuro has another game called Tsuro of the Seas. Similar concept to the original, and equally as beautiful!

I am certain that you will enjoy Tsuro. Once you play it I know that a copy or two will find a place in your gaming library at home or at school.

Until next game,


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Get Tabletop Games and Puzzles in the Classroom

Welcome to Board of Education a place for educators and families to learn about the best puzzles and tabletop games for the classroom and kitchen table.

When I say tabletop games I am including board games, role playing games, dice games, and card games. Some of my favorite tabletop games include: Stone Age, Pandemic, Tsuro, Love Letter, Sleeping Queens, Rat-a-Tat Cat, For Sale, Farkle, and Martian Dice.

When I say puzzles, I do not mean jigsaw puzzles, but rather brain bending fun puzzles that reach several curricular areas. My favorite curricular puzzles come from a genius mathematician gone educator Dr. Gordon Hamilton and his brilliant MathPickle activities. It is my opinion that every math classroom should be using his puzzles--they are that good.

I have been an educator for nearly 11 years. I readily use puzzles and tabletop games in my elementary classroom. Games provide an instant buy-in for children. Getting children interested in learning is a large part of the battle that educators face on a daily basis. I have found that games and puzzles provide a very clever way of sneaking in learning.

A few years ago, I wrote a grant for $100 to my school's Parent Teacher Organization for tabletop games. I was granted the money, and the games were a big hit! A year later, I wrote a grant to our district foundation for $1,000. It was generously funded, and I've created an after school gaming club, and have hosted family game nights as well. I am currently working on organizing a district-wide tabletop gaming festival.

I've been playing tabletop games for over 30 years. Being the youngest of 5 children, I benefited from my older siblings love for games. Some of my fondest memories were created as I spent countless hours with my family.

Quality hours that are sadly missing from a lot of families these days.

I also learned quite a bit playing games. I learned how to take turns, how to problem solve, and negotiate. My creativity grew, as did my vocabulary, and I developed a lot of schema on various subjects.

And you know what...? I didn't even know I was learning. I was just having a great time!

It's quite simple, really. Play.

I am excited to write about the great games and puzzles that have benefited my students and my children. In future posts, I will review games and explain how they may fit nicely into your classroom or living room.

Until then, I urge you and the kids in your life to simply...
